Exploring Executive Order 14067: Programmable Money’s Impact on Freedom

Executive Order 14067 | How Does Programmable Money (CBDCs) Track Your Movements, Track Your Carbon Footprint & Limit Your Freedom? On March 9, 2022, President Biden signed Executive Order 14067, which allows for legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens and total control over their bank accounts and purchases. This authoritarian control over money is […]

Exploring CBDCs: Gilbert Verdian on the Evolution of Money and Smart Currency

Central Bank Digital Currencies | Quant.Network CEO Gilbert Verdian Explains How CBDCs Will Work: “The Current Form of Money That We Have Today Is Obsolete. Money Is Evolving to a Very Complicated Intelligent Form of Money We Call Smart Money.” The current form of money is obsolete, and smart money is needed for the 21st […]

The Great Reset: Microchip Implants & Implications for Personal Freedom

The Great Reset | “Microchips to Implant Under Your Skin. Most Likely Implanted In Your Hand.” A British company is selling microchips that can be implanted under the skin, allowing people to pay for things without carrying a wallet or purse. The $300 chip is the size of a grain of rice and can be […]

Amazon’s Cashless Payment Tech: Insights into Palm Payment System

Cashless Payment | Why Is Amazon Rolling Out Technology That Allows You to Pay Using Your Palm? Amazon is introducing Amazon One, allowing customers to pay for groceries at Whole Foods stores with the palm of their hand instead of their credit card. The service requires scanning both palms and entering a phone number, and […]

Bill Gates and Breakthrough Energy: Transforming Climate Tech – SOSV Summit Highlights

Bill Gates and Breakthrough Energy: Accelerating viability at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, discusses the challenges of investing in clean technology. The physical economy has been optimized over centuries, and R&D on changing it is extremely low. To get to zero, […]